税 & 财富 Planning Strategies for 个人s & 家庭



Historically, wealth was largely passed down from generation to generation. 然而, 今天,我们看到财富以多种方式创造,在管理富人复杂的财务事务方面,对专业协助的需求也在增加, corporate executives and families.


  • 会计 and 税 服务
  • 遗产及信托事宜
  • Executive Compensation Planning
  • 慈善问题
  • Insurance and Retirement Planning

High Net Worth 个人s Face a Challenging 财富 Planning Landscape

美国正面临着一个不断变化的法律和经济环境,这将对遗产规划和财富转移结构产生重大影响. 高净值人士必须密切关注新形势,以及它们将如何影响自己的财富规划策略. 专家警告说,现在是时候寻求专业指导,以抵御风暴,保护金融遗产.

Given the upcoming changes in tax laws, 监管环境, 以及经济状况, 对于高净值人士来说,积极审视和调整自己的财富规划策略至关重要. 与遗产规划专业人士合作将有助于个人保护自己的财富, 优化税收节约, and ensure a smooth transition for future generations.

Five Key Factors Affecting Estate Planning This Year

Reduction of the Estate 税 Exemption: Effective January 1, 2026, the 遗产税豁免 从每人1300万美元减少到每人700万美元, 取决于通货膨胀. 这一削减将使一些以前可以避免征税的遗产征税,并对超过修订起征点的遗产征收更高的税. While 2026 seems like a long way off,  个人必须现在就积极评估,并可能调整他们的遗产计划,以减轻修订后的遗产税的影响.

New Scrutiny of Grantor Trusts授予人信托是一种流行的遗产规划结构,用于尽量减少遗产税 facing increased scrutiny from politicians in Washington. 最近讨论的立法改革可能会限制或消除这些信托的利益. 依赖于授予人信托结构的遗产计划可能需要重新评估,并考虑其他结构.

Reduced 隐私 with the Corporate Transparency Act: The Corporate Transparency Act 使用有限责任公司和类似的业务结构是否会消除一些重要的隐私因素. 使用这些结构进行资产保护和保密的高净值个人将需要适应新的监管规定, potentially with high administration costs and lower privacy protections.

加强国税局审查: 美国国税局(IRS)宣布了增加80名员工的计划,000 new agents over the next ten years. This expansion signals the potential for increased scrutiny of estate plans 由税吏. 拥有减税结构的个人必须确保他们的计划符合规定并得到有效管理, and they may face higher administrative costs.

Challenging Economic Environment: An uncertain economic environment characterized by elevated inflation, 高利率, 经济衰退的潜在威胁进一步增加了财富规划的复杂性. 由于市场波动加剧,以增长为导向的房地产规划结构可能会变得不那么有吸引力, and alternative structures may be necessary.

To navigate this increasingly complex landscape, 我们强烈建议高净值人士向经验丰富的遗产规划专业人士寻求指导. 这些专家拥有驾驭错综复杂的立法改革网络所必需的知识和专长, 税收方面的考虑, and economic uncertainties that lie ahead.

如欲了解更多有关如何在不断变化的环境中应对财富规划挑战的信息,请联系 大卫·弗雷德里克.D., LL.M., Senior Manager of High Net Worth 税es and Planning at LBMC, PC at 大卫.frederick@gurgaonpropertysale.com.

税收筹划 and 合规

Our in-depth experience and expertise in federal, 州和地方税收法规赢得了众多领先公司的信任, as well as affluent families and individuals. 明升体育app下载注册会计师每天都会处理复杂的税务需求-通常与财富规划服务相结合,为您提供最有利的结果. 您可以信赖我们,我们将以最大的诚信为您提供全面的税务代理, confidentiality and personal attention for your specific tax need.

  • Federal 状态 and 当地税务 Returns
  • 税收筹划
  • 税务咨询服务

Estate Planning and 财富 Transfer Strategies

When planning the transfer of wealth to successive generations, 你需要精通错综复杂的联邦和州遗产和赠与税法律的顾问.

明升体育app下载顾问是为希望更多而不是更少地传承财富的客户发现税收优惠途径的专家. We listen to you and weigh the roles of income, gift and estate tax planning to choose vehicles appropriate for you. Our services are comprehensive and coordinated, covering related topics of wills, and trusts of varying kinds. 您将受益于我们深厚的经验和个人服务,为您安排和执行遗产计划, 当然, the peace of mind that comes with it.

  • Review of estate plans, including wills, trusts, beneficiary designations, etc.
  • Evaluation and use of various types of trusts
  • 遗嘱信托
  • 生活信托
  • 慈善信托基金
  • 资产保障信托
  • Planning for Family Education
  • Recommendations based upon your specific family needs
  • 基金会

Income and Retirement Planning

Comfortable retirement is all in the planning. And that’s exactly what our financial experts do every day.

明升体育app下载收入和退休计划专家会仔细倾听您的需求,以确定对您有益的选择. We’ll help discern the amount of capital required to fund your retirement, probable sources of income in addition to investment earnings, social security possibilities, 年金, and how to plan for unforeseen circumstances.

我们独特的综合方法带来了部门之间的协调努力,这是传统公司或单一解决方案提供商无法提供的. 您可以相信,明升体育app下载经验和个性化服务将为您的目标和未来提供结果.

LBMC财富顾问还与明升体育app下载合作伙伴提供协调的税务和投资建议 LBMC 投资顾问公司, LLC, as well as family wealth planning, 家族办公室服务, 慈善计划, portfolio implementation, 和估值.


Link to 布鲁斯 个人所得税

布鲁斯 贝克


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Link to 梅丽莎 个人所得税

梅丽莎 Cothran


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔
Link to 布莱克 个人所得税

布莱克 哈里森


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔
Link to 妮可 个人所得税

妮可 Jeppesen

查塔努加 Market Leader, 股东、税收

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手机图标 电子邮件图标 查塔努加
Link to 4月 个人所得税

4月 米切尔


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 诺克斯维尔 纳什维尔
Link to Sid 个人所得税

Sid Pilson


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔
Link to 艾米 个人所得税

艾米 范布伦


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔